544 words
3 minutes
MD Notes 3 - Carrier Actions in Semiconductor

Carrier Actions in Semiconductor#

  • Drift: charged particle motion under the influence of an electric field.
  • Diffusion: particle motion due to concentration gradient or temperature gradient.
  • Recombination-generation:

Thermal Motion#

Ekˉ=32kT=12mnvth2\bar{E_k} = \frac{3}{2}kT=\frac{1}{2} m_n^* v_{th}^2

where $v_{th}$ denotes the thermal velocity (~$10^7$ cm/s at 300K).


  • Phonon Scattering: due to collision with vibrating lattice, increases with elevated temp.
  • Impurity Scattering: due to deflection caused by ionized impurity atoms, decreases with elevated temp.
  • Charge-charge Scattering: due to deflection caused by Coulomb force between carriers, decreases with elevated temp.

Mean Free Time#

The lose of momentum in every collision equals to the increase of momentum between collisions:

mnvd=qEτmnm_n^* v_d = -qE\tau_{mn}

where $\tau_{mn}$ denotes the mean free time, $\tau_{mn}$ ~ 0.1 ps.


Carrier Mobility#

A measure of the velocity of carriers under electric field of certain strength. μ\mu has the dimension of cm2/(Vs)\rm cm^2/(V\cdot s)

μnqτmnmn\mu_n \equiv \frac{q\tau_{mn}}{m_n^*}

vd=μEv_d=\mu E

Matthiessen’s Rule: the probability that a carrier will be scattered by mechanism i within a time period dt{\rm d}t is dt/τi{\rm d}t/\tau_i, where τi\tau_i denotes the mean time between scattering events due to mechanism i.

1τmn=1τphonon+1τimpurity\frac{1}{\tau_{mn}} = \frac{1}{\tau_{phonon}} + \frac{1}{\tau_{impurity}}

1μmn=1μphonon+1μimpurity\frac{1}{\mu_{mn}} = \frac{1}{\mu_{phonon}} + \frac{1}{\mu_{impurity}}

Use this chart to get μ\mu when the total carrier concentration is known. alt text

Use this chart to get μn\mu_n versus temperature. alt text

Velocity Saturation#

When the kinetic energy of a carrier exceeds a critical value, it generates an optical phonon and loses the kinetic energy. Such phenomenon has a deleterious effect on device speed as in nano-scale transistors.

Drift Current#

Jdrift=Jn,drift+Jp,drift=σE=(qnμn+qpμp)EJ_{drift} = J_{n,drift} + J_{p,drift} = \sigma E = \left( qn\mu_n + qp\mu_p \right) E

$\sigma$ denoting conductivity is in S/cm and $\rho$ denoting resistivity is in $\Omega \cdot$cm.


Carriers diffuse from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration region, due to random thermal motion.

Diffusion Current#

Jn,diff=qDNdndxJ_{n,diff} = qD_N\frac{{\rm d}n}{{\rm d}x}

Jp,diff=qDPdpdxJ_{p,diff} = -qD_P\frac{{\rm d}p}{{\rm d}x}

Where $D_N$ and $D_P$ are **diffusion coefficients** of electrons and holes, respectively, with the unit of $\rm cm^2/s$.

The total current, composing JdiffJ_{diff} and JdriftJ_{drift}:

Jn=σE=qnμnE+qDNdndxJ_n = \sigma E = qn\mu_n E + qD_N\frac{{\rm d}n}{{\rm d}x}

Jp=σE=qpμpEqDNdndxJ_p = \sigma E = qp\mu_p E - qD_N\frac{{\rm d}n}{{\rm d}x}

J=Jn+JpJ = J_n + J_p

Situation of Thermal Equilibrium#

Under thermal equilibrium, EFE_F is constant. If the semiconductor is not uniformly doped, then the energy band would vary with position, leading to a built-in electric field, then the drift current and the diffusion current cancels out, resulting in zero net current.

dndx=NckTeEcEFkTdEcdx=nkTdEcdx=nkTqε\frac{{{\rm{d}}n}}{{{\rm{d}}x}} = - \frac{{{N_c}}}{{kT}}{e^{ - \frac{{{E_c} - {E_F}}}{{kT}}}}\frac{{{\rm{d}}{E_c}}}{{{\rm{d}}x}} = - \frac{n}{{kT}}\frac{{{\rm{d}}{E_c}}}{{{\rm{d}}x}} = - \frac{n}{{kT}}q\varepsilon


qnμnε=qnqDNkTεqn\mu_n\varepsilon = qn \frac{qD_N}{kT}\varepsilon


DN=kTqμnD_N = \frac{kT}{q}\mu_n

DP=kTqμpD_P = \frac{kT}{q}\mu_p

namely **Einstein Relationship**, also valid under non-equilibrium conditions ($D_N$ is a constant).

Notice that

Dμ=kTq\frac{D}{\mu} = \frac{kT}{q}

Generation and Recombination (R-G)#


  • Band-to-Band: An electron in valence band gains enough energy (from phonons, etc.) and jumps into the conduction band.
  • R-G Center: Also called deep-level defects. It lies in the band gap, and may generate a pair of electron-hole.
  • Impact Ionization: A high-energy electron collides with an atom and knock an additional electron into the conduction band.
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  • Direct: An electron in conduction band recombines with a hole in valence band, the released energy dissipates as a phonon.
  • R-G Center (primary): Carriers recombines via defects states in the band gap.
  • Auger Recombination: Energy released during carrier recombination is transferred to a third carrier, instead of being emitted as a photon.
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Indirect Band Gap#

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