The equilibrium state in a semiconductor with no net current is always being disturbed by sudden generation of excess carriers, and the system always relaxes back by recombination.
In other words, the generation and recombination of minority carrier should cancels out each other:
for p-type, where Δn is the excess electron density, τ is the minority carrier lifetime.
It means that the decrease rate of electrons is the ratio of excess electron density to the average time that an excess electron survives.
Since the dominant process of recombination in through R-G centers, τn and τp depend on the density of deep traps (深能级杂质).
It is basically a special form of the continuity equations, assuming:
The electric field is small, so current is dominant by diffusion.
Uniform doping.
Low-level injection, which means the excess carriers are negligible compared to the majority.
n consists of the equilibrium n0 and excess Δn, and n0 is irrelevant to t:
Where np means that n in the equation is the minority carrier in p-type semiconductor.
At special cases the equation can be simplified:
Steady state: δtδΔnp=0, meaning the concentration of excess electron becomes stable, such as the injection rate of net current and the recombination rate cancels out.
No diffusion current: DNδx2δ2Δnp=0. WHY ??
No R-G: τnΔn=0.
No light: GL=0. What about other generation process?.
In a special (yet common) case that minority holes are injected at x=0 and there is no light absorption, when the system reaches steady state:
LP≡DPτp is the hole diffusion length, it is the average distance that a minority carrier diffuses before it recombines with a majority carrier.
Set the boundary conditions as Δpn(0)=Δpn0, and Δpn(∞)=0, the equation has a solution: